Task Area 1: Data Quality
M1 – Working Group: Caption of data quality practices and requirements
M2 – Working Group: Analysis of data quality requirements
The working group Social Data and Contemporary History (Prof. Dr. Lutz Raphael) organizes a survey of the current use of social databases by historically oriented disciplines via the DFG project “Data from social research as source for contemporary history. Designing a framework for a research data infrastructure for research on contemporary history” (2020-2022). The working group will interview researchers and research institutions in contemporary history on current practices in dealing with social data as historical sources and will identify requirements for the quality of social data for historical purpose and their archiving. It studies in particular the tensions between quality requirements of social databases for historical use and the existing legal conditions of data uses and professional ethical standards (à TA6).
Task Area 3: Data Services
M1 – Working Group of Service Providers – Functional Optimisation of key 4Memory services
The working group Social Data and Contemporary History (Prof. Dr. Lutz Raphael) via its aforementioned DFG project aims at defining key services necessary for the further development of a research infrastructure for social data for contemporary history. It prepares a roundtable conference (in 2022) bringing together all stakeholders in the field (data providers, research institutions and single researchers) with the aim to define these key service in light of the final report on existing practices, needs and potentials in using social data for contemporary history.
Task Area 4: Data Literacy
M1 – Data Literacy Competence Network for Historical Scholarship
The working group Social Data and Contemporary History (Prof. Dr. Lutz Raphael) will contribute to create and expand the Data Literacy Competence Network with a focus on users of social data for historical purposes. It will contribute to the development of a DL competence profile through its regular workshops at the Werner-Reimers-Stiftung and the conferences organized by its DFG project “Data from social research as source for contemporary history. Designing a framework for a research data infrastructure for research on contemporary history” (2020-2022).
Task Area 5: Data Culture
M1 – Preparatory and accompanying research: consolidating and expanding our understanding of digital methods and their impact on historically oriented disciplines and their professional culture
The working group Social Data and Contemporary History (Prof. Dr. Lutz Raphael) will support community building and foster critical discussion among historians using social databases via annual workshops of the “Arbeitskreis Sozialdaten und Zeitgeschichte” and with panel sessions at the “Historikertage” 2021, 2023 and 2025 in close collaboration with the “Verband der Historiker Deutschlands” (co-applicant in 4Memory) and organizer of these disciplinary meetings.