Trier University is a middle-sized university with a strong profile in the humanities and social sciences, psychology and environmental sciences. It is a member of the Université de la Grande Region (UniGR) with close connections to Belgian, French and Luxemburg research institutions and universities. Over the last two decade Trier university’s history department has continuously developed its profile in research oriented digital history covering the longue durée from Ancient history to Contemporary history. Trier’s historically oriented research community creates, curates and uses a broad array of different data types (see Appendix and LoC). Two collaborative research centers (SFB 235 and 600) and several data driven research projects have explored and established innovative digital research tools, research techniques, workflows and research infrastructures, including simulation techniques, network visualization, topic modelling, and time-specific controlled vocabularies. Members of the history faculty and the Service Center eSciences are engaged in the development of a data culture in historically oriented disciplines by serving in advisory boards of historical associations (VHD, AG Sozialdaten und Zeitgeschichte, OAH) and as experts in scientific boards of digital data centres and initiatives on the national and international level. Based on its experience in collaborative historical research in longue durée perspectives, Trier University has developed tools and services for collaborative research data management in the humanities. Today, the Virtual Research Environment “FuD” serves the needs of the history community in Germany and beyond. It offers a research infrastructure that combines hermeneutic text analysis, quantitative data analysis and cartographic methods and that is capable to handle and process a broad variety of digital historical sources including audio-visual, textual, numerical and geographical data. In order to support researchers in the humanities to develop and implement IT-based research-projects, Trier University has established the Service Center eSciences (SeS). By coordinating and implementing Trier University’s RDM strategy, it is responsible for RDM-consultations and trainings. It has developed the DIAMANT-Model including an RDM competence profile and a qualification concept to implement and support an RDM service landscape in research institutions. Last but not least, SeS has developed the virtual data repository VIDA for long-term preservation of different research data domains. VIDA will become the long-term archiving infrastructure of Rhineland-Palatinate.